Meeting Information
Please sign up with You will need to sign up with an email to ensure safety of our fellowship.
Please sign up with You will need to sign up with an email to ensure safety of our fellowship.
Our Meeting ID: 718 349 933
How do I use the ID to access this meeting? See blue diagram below for assistance.
Meeting Information:
We open the meeting room 30 minutes prior to start of meeting for fellowship.
Daily Meetings begin at 9:00am PST // Noon EST
Monday -- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Tuesday -- Eleventh Step
Wednesday -- Came To Believe
Thursday -- Speaker Discussion
Friday -- Daily Reflection
Saturday -- Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Study
Sunday -- Living Sober
Looking to for literature or need to read the pages of the Big Book?
Looking to for literature or need to read the pages of the Big Book?
Brand New? We have an entire folder of resources for you, please grab them.
Brand New? We have an entire folder of resources for you, please grab them.
Want to connect with AA?
Want to connect with AA?
Want to connect with AA New York?
Want to connect with AA New York?
Want to connect with AA San Francisco?
Want to connect with AA San Francisco?